
Fall Term

Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions per week, 2 hours per session

Course Goals

Explore and experience the process of creative writing as a spiritual practice leading to liberation and personal fulfillment. Examine the practical disciplines of successful storytelling and strategically integrate mind into manuscript.

Contribute new ideas to the classroom. Explore perspectives. Competently field questions. Reflect on what is learned and think of ways to make improvements.

Instructor Expectations

Learn and have fun! Respect varying points of view. Be present for class. Arrive prepared with finished work and all appropriate materials. Embrace academic integrity. Take responsibility for your own learning.


Reflections                                   75%

Quizzes                                        15%

Attendance & Participation           10%

(Punctuality counts. Attendance is taken sharp at the start of class.)

(In-class contribution and interaction with other students and the instructor exhibited through asking questions, offering answers, sharing opinions and ideas are all ways of demonstrating participation.)

*Papers turned in late will receive one letter grade lower per day.

**Independent reading and reflective writing assignments are a vital component of the course and to be completed outside of class.

***Drinks are permitted in the classroom. Students are expected to pick up after themselves.

****Plagiarism, cell phone use, text messaging during class…hmmm.


Week            Topics                                                    Key Dates

1                   Course Introduction

                     Practical Steps on the Path of Transformational Writing: Purification

2                   Practical Steps, Part 2: Refinement

                     Practical Steps, Part 3: Surrender

3                   A Search for Wholeness

                     Writing Workshop                                  Reflection on Identity               

4                   Suffering and Its Connection to Failure in Writing: Ignorance

                     Suffering+Failure, Part 2: Egoism

5                   Suffering+Failure, Part 3: Attachment

                     Suffering+Failure, Part 4: Aversion

6                   Suffering+Failure, Part 5: Fear of Death

                     Writing Workshop                                  Reflection on Intent

7                   The Laws of Life Applied in Writing: Nonviolence

                     Laws of Life, Part 2: Truthfulness

8                   Laws of Life, Part 3: Integrity

                     Laws of Life, Part 4: Chastity

9                   Laws of Life, Part 5: Non-Attachment

                     Writing Workshop                                  Patanjali Reflection

10                 Midterm Consultations

                     Midterm Consultations

11                 Four Cornerstones: Passion, Purpose, Principles, Preparation

                     Means to Manifestation: Confidence, Clarity, Care, Contemplation

12                 The Importance of Discipline, Environment, and Appreciation

                     Writing Workshop                                  Eleven Reflection

13                 Content and Consciousness

                     There is a Muse

14                 The Intersection of Reading and Writing

                     Narration, Description, Dialog, and Characterization

15                 Fundamentals of the Craft

                     Meaningful Storytelling

16                 Building Your Writing Toolbox

                     Course Review                                      Reflection on Writing